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Is this only for KS2 machines?

Latest core and NextZXOS.

Hangs after the title screen. Just says "checking wifi" at the bottom of the screen.... and yes I am connected to wifi!

I have the same issue.

I also have this issue.

that would indicate an old version of NextZXOS? Are you on the latest?

Downloading the install.bas works fine, but when I load "install.bas" it got the c nonsense in basic in Line 70 error. Could you help? I'm using ZX Spectrum Next KS2

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I fixed the very same issue after upgrading NextOS from 2.07 to 2.08, the firmware to 1.44, and the core to 3.02. Now it works like a charm.

Thanks for the feedback!

Version 1.3 is now available, best way to "get it" is go into your getit folder and type : http get -h -u /go -f install.bas and re-run the installer! 

I'm getting the same as other people are reporting in the comments. I download and install via my Next so the Wi-Fi is definitely working. The installer runs just fine and I reboot and try to run getit.bas it loads up and says "Reset ESP" then "Clear HTTP" and finally "Checking WIFI" but that's it, nothing else. V1.3, NEXTOS 2.08

Any idea whats ip?

(1 edit)

Awesome tool, many thanks! 

All working great except playing mod files, it hangs after printing Selected blah.mod

If I reset the computer, the downloaded files play fine in nxmodplayer.

I tried a few mods including the ones you play in your demo youtube video.

(KS2 Next)


There are some edge case with MODS that we will look! Thanks!

This is a FANTASTIC tool! Well done! Im enjoying listening to old music mod files. Is there a way to upload mod files to the database? I get 5x pages of files for Hoffman, but nil hits for Getafix...

thanks again.


(1 edit)

Installed and immediately downloaded the obligatory "Ace of Base" mod file :-) Thanks for the tools to do it!


I've installed this and tried it on my KS2, it seems very useful thank you.


This looks phenomenal! Very well done.
